Paintings of New Zealand wildlife
Phillip has a long held fascination for wildlife. His time as artist in residence at the Wellington Zoo provided a good opportunity to observe and create some compelling images. He is deeply concerned over the plight of many native bird species that are under threat of extinction. The predator trap he invented and developed is widely deployed throughout New Zealand.
Portrait Specialist
Phillip has developed a painting style influenced by two great masters; Rembrandt and C F Goldie. He has also continued in the footsteps of Goldie by, recording through his art, engaging and important visual records of the maori moko tradition. He has built a lasting raport with several of his subjects.
General Paintings
Inspiration for a painting or other artwork is everywhere. As a keen observer of nature, people and the places occupied by both, Phillip has created a body of work using a variety of techniques and materials. He has the ability to capture the essence of the subject and reflect this back to the viewer in a very engaging way.